Com a expansão do registro de literatura gris (literatura não convencional) na área de RHS na América Latina e Caribe, este espaço foi criado para acesso rápido a publicações de interesse da Rede de Observatórios de Recursos Humanos em Saúde, onde você encontrará relatórios, guias, políticas e outras publicações técnicas e científicas com a possibilidade de utilizar filtros por tópico, ano de publicação, país, idioma, entre outros.


Interface de busca que permite a recuperação de documentos indexados do Repositório de Recursos Humanos em Saúde.

Resultados: 7

Developing nurse leaders across the Americas: evaluation of an online nursing leadership course

ABSTRACT Development of leadership capacities in the nursing workforce is essential to achieving universal health in the Region of the Americas. This evaluation considered the effectiveness of an online leadership course offered in English and Spanish to nurses throughout Latin America and the Caribbean....

Career choice in primary care: pre- and post-comparison of Honduran physicians completing social service

ABSTRACT Objective To describe and compare patterns of specialty choice among physicians in Honduras before and after completing mandatory social service; and to identify and compare salary perceptions and factors that may influence their career choice. Methods A quantitative methods approach was used ...

Factors that influence career choice in primary care among medical students starting social service in Honduras

ABSTRACT Objective To 1) describe patterns of specialty choice; 2) investigate relationships between career selection and selected demographic indicators; and 3) identify salary perception, factors that influence career choice in primary care, and factors that influence desired location of future medica...

National nursing strategies in seven countries of the Region of the Americas: issues and impact

OBJECTIVE: To identify and examine the current national nursing strategies and policy impact of workforce development regarding human resources for health in seven selected countries in the Region of the Americas: Argentina, Canada, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, and the United States. METHODS: A rev...

Call for a change in research funding priorities: the example of mental health in Costa Rica

The World Health Organization (WHO) Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 urges its Member States to strengthen leadership in mental health, ensure mental and social health interventions in community-based settings, promote mental health and strengthen information systems, and increase evidence and researc...

Knowledge and attitudes about intrauterine devices among women's health care providers in El Salvador

In order to gain an understanding of Salvadoran health care providers' clinical knowledge, attitudes, and practice toward the intrauterine device (IUD), Ministry of Health providers completed a self-administered, anonymous survey. Surveys were completed by 135 participants. The majority (94.7 percent and...

A comparative analysis of the changes in nursing practice related to health sector reform in five countries of the Americas

Objective. To identify changes in nursing practice and the nursing-practice environment that have occurred with implementation of health sector reform in five countries in the Americas. Methods. An exploratory study of selected settings in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and the United States of Ame...